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    Rack Safety Inspections


    Storage equipment such as shelving & racking fall under the PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) 1998 place duties on people and companies that own, operate or have control over work equipment. PUWER also places responsibility on businesses and organisations whose employees use work equipment, whether owned by them or not.


    We see Rack Safety Inspections as an MOT for your racking. On inspections we following SEMA & Manufacturers guidelines with hands on knowledge and time served experience of designing and installing racking installations. With this in mind our inspectors:-


    • Make sure the racking is suitable for its intended purpose and use.
    • That the racking is safe to use – maintained and in good working condition, installed correctly and not deteriorating.
    • Used by competent / trained operatives.
    • Accompanied by suitable H&S measures – such as load notices, protective equipment etc,
    • Used in accordance with its specifications – for example not being overloaded.


    It is suggested by SEMA that your racking is inspected by an independent inspector at least once a year. This is where we come in.

    Each of rack inspections are carried out by a trained time served inspector. We survey the racking, identify the racking, check that the racking has been installed correctly and check that you are using the correct loadings as advised by the manufacturers.

    We then inspect the racking for any damages / non suitable use. Any damaged or ill use is rated on a green / amber / red score sheet.



    Areas where a high level of damage is identified which warrants immediate off-loading and isolation until repair work is carried out.



    Areas where the damage is sufficiently severe to warrant remedial work but not sufficiently severe to warrant the immediate off-loading of the rack. There is to be no further loading and once the location is emptied, it must not be refilled. If the repairs are not carried out within 4 weeks an Amber Risk becomes a Red Risk.



    Areas where damage is present, but it falls within the SEMA Limits and should be recorded for further consideration at the next inspection.


    We would suggest that all RED & AMBER are repaired as soon as possible to prevent any rack collapse and minimise risk. We cab help by offering competitive rack repairs quotations.

    Along with this our inspectors advise on basic Safety & Housekeeping and make suggestions on how to prevent future damage to your racking or whether it be investing in rack protection, looking at a new layout or retraining operatives


    Rack Damage

    Some Rack Damage that our inspectors have encountered on Rack Safety Inspections.